NOTE: Guidance bullets below are not a substitute for provider review and adherence to content of Interim Guidance Regarding the Reopening of Day Services Certified by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
Signage – applies to certified sites and other locations controlled by the provider
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
Modern Guidance have installed safety signs that inform visitors are not allowed. Posted signs how to prevent the transmission prevention and containment of COVID-19. Signs notifying that mask wearing is required in the program. Corridoring an area with red tape around the facility entrance to prevent any direct contact when entering the facility was also completed.
Signs are being posted to encourage social distancing and observe COVID 19 safety procedures to prevent and stop the spread.
The Program Director will conduct checks and any damage or missing will be replaced. A staff will be assigned to monitor and report any missing sign. The Program Director will ensure compliance.
A. Entrance to Site Based Programs Pre-Entry/Pre-Participation Screening:
Response to Signs and Symptoms and Departure:
Participation and Return to Program/Service:
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
On a daily basis staff will answer the pre screening test prior to work. They will do a daily temperature test prior to starting their shift. Staff are encourages to monitor their temperature at home and asked to stay home with any slight elevation in temperature for 24 hours. Elevation lasting more than 24 hours requires medical clearance up to COVID 19 testing as determine by medical professional.
Families or other representatives will also be required to answer the screening questions for individuals served prior to daily pick up. Each individual temperature check and observe for sign of illness prior to entering the van. For any sign of illness and or temperature above 98.6 individuals will be asked to stay home for observation and medical clearance up to COVID 19 testing as determine by medical professional.
B. Social Distancing Requirements:
Ensure effective practices to facilitate social distancing when distancing is not possible, including the following:
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
A reorganization of the facility has resulted in desk assignment to individuals who will be required to adhere to their assigned seats. Protective barriers have been installed to desk using six feet markers for social distancing. Each desk will have the name of the individual assigned.
Floor markers are installed to maintain social distancing. Individuals going to their desk will follow the clearly marked path. Individuals exiting their desk area will be taught to wait for direction to proceed. This will be monitored by staff working with the individuals.
Individuals will snack at their desk and staff will either eat in the kitchen or go out for breaks. The facility has adequate space for social distancing. In situations when social distancing cannot be maintained for short period, everyone will be wearing masks.
C. Gatherings in Enclosed Spaces
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
MGS day program is a small group. Individuals are assigned their own areas where they will be required to carry on their activities for the day. Common spaces such as computer room and conference room will temporarily be reassigned for isolation and storage. There will be no agency sponsored activity involving food (birthday celebration and holidays) and individuals will continue to bring their own snack. Families will be asked to fit smaller containers in a zip lock should the food require microwaving. Only one staff will assist individuals with heating food daily utilizing gloves to do so. Disposable utensils will be provided. In our facility the heating of foods and distribution of utensils was a function of the individuals served. These activities will now be the responsibility of program staff. Additionally staff will now have the responsibility to put coats away in the closet.(This activity to put coats together is under review and will be determine prior to cooler weather)
D. Day Program Schedules and Activities
• Modifications to day program/service hours as needed, to allow blocks of service
provision while maintaining reduced capacity and group size.
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
Day program schedule will be modified from 9 am to 1.15pm for individuals living with families. Individuals living in residences with additional support will have services from 1.30 pm to 5.30pm.
All individuals will have their own desk assignment and each individual will have a tablet provided by MGS to complete their goals and other activities to participate.
Community outings are temporarily suspended. Group exercise dancing will be modified and will take place in assigned space twice weekly instead of daily if the new arrangement allows.
The schedule will include educating individuals on COVID 19, and the protocols put in the facility for prevention.
consideration will be given to families who are not confident sending individuals by working with families to provide alternate service for the next 2 to 3 months
E. Personal Protective Equipment:
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
Staff will be trained on the proper use of PPE and procedures including disposing and sanitizing. There will be no visitors to the facility. Staff and Individuals are required to use a mask. A supply of face mask are readily available free of cost and face shield will be available onsite.
Mask, glove face shield and gowns are available on site for staff in adequate supply
A record of staff who have participated in the training will be made available onsite.
F. Hygiene and Cleaning
Personal Hygiene to Reduce Transmission:
• Ensure strict adherence to hygiene requirements to reduce transmission as advised by NYS DOH and the CDC.
• Provide and maintain hand hygiene stations at each location to include:
o Handwashing: soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels.
o Hand sanitizing: alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol for
areas where handwashing facilities may not be available or practical, and where the
need for frequent hand sanitizing is expected;
• Train staff to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds using techniques per NYS DOH and CDC guidance, including the conditions that require handwashing.
• Support individuals to wash their hands frequently/when needed, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds using appropriate techniques as tolerated.
• Encourage and facilitate use of hand sanitizers by staff and individuals upon arrival to and departure from program and through the day, providing supervision/support of use by individuals as needed.
• Address any individualized needs affecting the unsupervised availability of hand sanitizer.
Cleaning and Disinfection of Environment, Equipment and Supplies:
o Frequent cleaning and rigorous disinfection of high-risk areas/high touch surfaces; o Use of only EPA registered products for disinfecting non-porous surfaces;
o Adhere to proper dwell times for all cleaners, sanitizers and disinfectants per
manufacturer recommendations as indicated on the product label; and
o Ensure adequate ventilation to prevent inhaling toxic fumes.
o Maintain site cleaning logs indicating the date, time, and scope of cleaning.
o Keep cleaning products, sanitizers and disinfectants secure and out of reach of
individuals who may misuse;
o Safely and immediately discard used gloves, paper towels or other disposable items
after sanitizing or disinfecting, tied in a trash bag and removed from the environment. o Clean and disinfect all areas and equipment used by a person exhibiting symptoms
upon their departure from the area and prior to use of the area or equipment by other
individuals or staff.
o PPE use and hand hygiene when cleaning and disinfecting causes safety hazards. o Provide ventilation with outside air safely and when possible.
• Limit use of shared objects/equipment. Ensure shared items are cleaned and/or sanitized after each use. Require hand hygiene before/after contact and glove use when feasible.
• Prohibit use of items/objects that cannot be cleaned and sanitized (i.e. soft object, cloth placemats, etc.) unless clinically required.
• Prohibit bringing personal items from home, except when clinically necessary, then have a plan for regular cleaning and disinfection including immediately prior to departure.
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
Disinfecting wipes, sprays and other approved cleaning products are available on site. Disinfecting wipes will be used to maintain the area clean during programming hours with full scale cleaning after each session and as needed. Windows will be open during when cleaning to allow proper ventilation. Sanitizers will be places around the facility and at the door to ensure proper sanitization. Gloves are readily available for use. To the extent possible items will not be shared. Individuals will have their own. Supervisor will ensure compliance. Director will monitor
G. Transportation
Ensure that the following measures are implemented for the transport of individuals to/from day services to reduce COVID-19 transmission risk, when providing or contracting for transportation:
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
No more than four individuals and two staff are permitted on the agency van. Van will have seating assignment away from the driver. All staff and individuals will be required to wear mask. Weather permitting windows will be rolled down to allow air flow. Prior to entering the van all individuals and staff will sanitize their hand and have temperature checks. A screening log will be maintained daily.
The van will be cleaned and disinfected after each trip.The driver will be sign off verifying van cleaning.
Alternate arrangement will be made for individual who are not able to tolerate the mask for long periods of time
H. Tracing and Tracking
Identify how you will ensure the above and any related strategies:
Any positive test result:
Program Director/Nurse will immediately notify OPWDD and Health Department
Will trace back 48 hours all who entered the facility and provide appropriate notification with positive COVID TESTor symptoms.
Maintain and treat with confidentiality of the positive person.
Notify all contacts.
Please use this space to provide additional details about your program’s Safety Plan, if appropriate.
Opening will be phased in beginning with one third individuals at the time of opening.
Program Schedule: The second group of individuals will be brought in from 10.30 am to 2pm. Based on location and choice individuals maybe given the opportunity to switch their time
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